It took us 2 years, but we finally got our flagpole up on July 3rd…just in time for America’s birthday! Now more than ever, I feel it’s important to show solidarity and unite as a nation. I’m proud to hang this flag.
It saddens me to see people make a call for unity, and in the same breath condemn anyone who disagrees with them. When did opposing opinions turn to hate? It has become acceptable, and in many cases expected, that we attack a person’s physical appearance. Or family. Or intelligence. We say things that are hurtful, things that can’t be taken back, and friends turn against each other. No one wins.
All of this to say, be kind. Differences of opinion are actually wonderful. It’s how we all grow. But don’t lose sight of humanity. As Sandy Dahl said after 9/11, “If we learn nothing else from this tragedy, we learn that life is short and there is no time for hate.”
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