All posts by Sarah @ 702 Park Project

My Go-To Recipes

I love to bake, but cooking isn’t really my favorite. It’s not so much that I don’t enjoy the steps of cooking a meal. For me, it’s more about the timing. Right now, Charlie eats at 6 p.m. and then usually has his fussy “witching hour” until I top him off at 8 p.m. and put him down for the night. So we tend to eat dinner around 8:30 or 9 p.m. It’s definitely later than I’m used to. I’m an early riser and definitely not a night owl, so eating this late is a new norm for me. But hey, we make it work.

Here are just a few of my favorite recipes that I use on repeat. I’ve tweaked them a bit to fit our tastes, but what they all have in common is that they are simple and fairly quick. In addition, we almost always have yellow or brown rice on hand, plus sweet potatoes and fresh green beans for roasting.

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Dream Pool Must Haves

I’m not a fan of summer. There, I said it. I’m incredibly hot natured and summers in the south are sweltering. But more and more each summer, I find myself wishing we had a pool.

A pool is definitely on our list of to-do’s. But we have several big ticket items ahead of it, including doing a major kitchen renovation, laying a patio, renovating our garage, and enclosing our attic. I have a feeling a pool may be an empty-nester project at this rate!

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4 Things All New Moms Should Know

As of today I’ve been a mom for 19 weeks. So naturally I’m an expert now.

Being a mom brings a whole new meaning to the phrase “learn as you go.” These past 133 days have brought some serious on-the-job training. And just when you think you’ve got it down, it all changes. I’m still new at this, but I’m pretty sure that’s parenting in a nutshell. It’s a moving target.

Today I thought I’d share 4 things that I’ve learned since becoming a mother. There are about 837,627,198 things I’ve learned, including how to change out a diaper genie, how to make the most of nap time, and how to do just about anything with one hand, but these are the ones that I think all new and expecting moms should know.

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Do you ever just feel stuck? Like you know you need to just pick a direction and take a step forward but you just can’t? Well, that’s been me for the past few months when it comes to this blog.

This Park Project started out as the chronicle of our home restoration. But really, the Park Project is the lifelong story of the home and life we’ve built within these walls. Our lives have evolved so much since I started this blog over 5 years ago, and I feel like my little corner of the internet should reflect that.

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