Interior Design Trend: Sputnik Pendants

Throughout our house, we’ve tried to bring a little modern and a lot of traditional together. It was important to us in our renovation to maintain the historical integrity of our house, but also not have it look as though an 80-year-old couple was living here.

Lately I’ve been obsessing over sputnik pendant lights. These are modeled after the 1950s Russian satellite, and are becoming more and more popular in a wide variety of home styles. They seem to add a dash of modern glam without taking away from an otherwise traditional space.

702 park project - sputnik 3

I’ve been considering adding one of these to my home office, but I’m worried that I may miss the overhead fan, so we’ll see. (PS- the One Room Challenge started today! Check it out, and be sure to come back tomorrow to see my plans for the office!)

Ok, back to the sputniks. Take a look at some favorites…

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Do you like sputniks? How do you pull modern and traditional styles together?

(Click on photo for source.)

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6 comments on “Interior Design Trend: Sputnik Pendants

  1. My house old, but it looked old and outdated, so our remodeling has focused on giving it the old farmhouse charm it should have. I just don’t blend really modern things very well wit my farmhouse style, so I tend to stick to traditional farmhouse, and hope it doesn’t look like an old couple are living in it!

    I’ve been missing seeing your home updates at the Vintage Inspiration Party, and hope you’ll link up again each week! This week’s party is live now! :)
    Angie @ Knick of Time recently posted…Vintage Inspiration Party #208 – Pallet Wood Table, Wooden Pumpkins and more!!My Profile

  2. I love how you’ve managed to combine modern and traditional styles in your home renovation. It’s always a delicate balance to maintain the historical integrity of a space while injecting a bit of modernity, but it seems like you’ve hit the nail on the head.

    I have to say, I’m also a huge fan of sputnik pendant lights! They have a certain retro charm to them, but at the same time, they feel so contemporary and fresh. I think they’re the perfect way to add a touch of modern glam to a traditional space without going overboard.

    As for your home office, I think a sputnik pendant light would be a fantastic addition. It would create a focal point and add some much-needed personality to the room. And who knows, maybe you’ll find that you don’t even miss the overhead fan!

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